Keynote by Chairman of Al Mada

Basra, This great city of Iraq -with it’s ancient civilized past and present- deserves to be the hub of hundreds of publishing houses cultural organizations libraries and bookshops and Artistic and Cultural forums. This also applies to all other Iraqi provinces without exceptions. Holding more activities will enrich the cultural movement in Basra, and thus, organizing more than one book fair in Basra- without any intersection between them- will instill the culture of reading, and will make books more available. To achieve this, we need to join efforts to be more affective. As a responsible group, Al Mada assures its commitment to put all its expertise and capabilities at the disposal of all cultural activities. Al Mada is also committed to cooperate with all sides that seek to enhance the cultural life in Iraq. Through launching this initiative, Al Mada assures again that it intends to be always a major supporter of cultural movement. It will continue what have been achieved before, to be a benchmark for those who will follow. The group will enhance its role in the cultural life and will support any side that shares the same goals with it. Al Mada asserts that Iraq International Book Fair in Baghdad, Basrah and Erbil, is a non-profitable event. Al Mada announces that it will allocate the input of the Fairs- after deducting the expenses- to provide public universities and public libraries with Iraqi, Arabic and non-Arabic books. It will also allocate part of this input to support cultural activities and events. During the Fairs, Al Mada will distribute a book daily for free, as part of its “A Book and A Newspaper” project, besides Al Mada supplement.

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Quality addition to AlMada Project

Quality addition to AlMada Project

Mr. Najih AlMamouri Iraqi writer’s union

Foreign publishing houses are present in Iraq Int Book Fair, and their r

Foreign publishing houses are present in Iraq Int Book Fair, and their r

Saif Mahdi English and other Foreign language written

Basra international book fair

Basra international book fair

 Dr. Sami Abdul Hamid No odd to AlMada group to introd


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